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Mary Grant
Experienced Landman in-house and fieldI have worked for 30 years in the following areas and encompassing cited skills: Louisiana, Colorado (DJ Basin and Wattenberg), Nebraska, New Mexico (San Juan Basin, BLM & BIA offices) North Dakota (Williston Basin, Stark County), Texas (Permian Basin and Austin Chalk), Wyoming (Power River, Wind River, Bighorn basins) and Montana (Kevin-Sunburst unit area), Utah (Unitah Basin and Fed. & State OGL’s) which encompassed one or more of the following responsibilities pertaining to acquisitions and divestitures: OIL, GAS AND MINERAL LEASE ACQUISITIONS • Knowledge of Indices in the various Courthouses; • Knowledge of Abstracting Offices; • Preparation of various Lease forms; • Lease Purchase Reports; • Preparation of Chain of Titles; • Basically just listening to Landowners (visiting for a month of Sundays); • Determine current ownership (mineral or surface); • Surface easements (pipeline, road, etc.); • Searching Federal Offices (Federal Leases); • Knowledge of Bureau of Indian Affairs; • Assignments; • Lease negotiations • BLM – submitted acreage for bids and title searches TITLE CURATIVE MATTERS • Reviewing Title Opinions-satisfying any clouds on title • Affidavits of Death and Heirship; • Searching records from severance to present day; • Knowledge of Archives; • Tax Deeds – search the old tax rolls; • Possessions Statements; • Searching Tribal records; • Prepare Road Right of Ways; • Acts of Subordinations; • Curative matters regarding Title Opinions • BLM – title searches conducted in Santa Fe, Denver, Wyoming, Utah, local counties, etc • BIA- title searches in tribal offices & BIA in Albuquerque NM SURFACE DAMAGES: • Obtain damage releases to the surface and/or crops, by using criteria for environmental assessments, for example: nearest stream, history of use, contacting various experts (grasslands), check for wildlife in area and different government agencies, etc.; SURFACE AGREEMENTS • Road Access Agreements • Drill sites DUE DILIGENCE • First, there are various forms of due diligence for example: • Attorney wants records run at specific time periods; • Checking for production in the different conservation offices (purpose of determining if a lease has been Held by Production); • Searching records for Overriding Royalties, Net Revenue Interest, Working Interest at a specific producing interval; • Examining in-house files- letter agreements, contracts that were never filed of record that satisfy a cloud on title; • BLM – title searches conducted in Santa Fe, Denver, Wyoming, Utah, local counties, etc • BIA- title searches in tribal offices & BIA in Albuquerque NM AREA CHECKS • This is often cursory and I will use the Department of Conservation to determine production and operators in my area; • Search records for the last Oil, Gas and Mineral lease of record; • Prepare a plat with the various Lessors ( hand drawn to scale); • Copy the Leases- Keep record of terms of the area (Royalty, Bonus Consideration, etc.; • Will note to various Right of Ways (with the purpose of providing company with where roads and pipeline are in the event they should wanted to drill; LANDMAN ABSTRACTS • Search of the records in an Abstract Office covering a certain area of interest; • Copying all instruments/deeds that affect area of interest; • Prepare with index sheet and numbered pages; • Footnoting anything unusual; TITLE RESEARCH • Grantor/ Grantee; • UCC; • Mortgages; • Civil Suits; • Any records viewed to satisfy title; • Government Offices; • Tax Assessor Records; • MMS; DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION • On-line access to production; • Operators; • Verify well status (shut-in, spud date, etc.); • Verify well history; • Mineral histories (primarily Louisiana); • Checking the producing intervals; • Checking for the most recent permit to drill in the my area of interest; • Prepared tracts for unitization (WI, NRI, etc.) 3-D SEISMIC PERMITS • Experience obtaining seismic permits and options for an Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease; MINERAL HISTORIES • I have prepared mineral histories in regard to a particular producing zone by obtaining information from the courthouse; • I have also prepared mineral histories on the production information obtained from the Department of Conservation; NET REVENUE INTEREST • Calculating the Overriding Royalty Interest, Working Interest, and Landowner Royalty of a specific area or producing interval from the records in the courthouse.
Last Resume Update | October 09, 2019 |
Degree | Bachelors Degree |
Experience | More than 15 Years |
Category | Land Manager |
Phone Number | register to see |
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Street Address | register to see |
City | Harvey |
State | LA |
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Bachelor degree in General Studies- 1980
Texas A & M University- 1975 to 1976
College Station Texas
Seminar on Land Leasing
Baton Rouge, Louisiana-1981
Seminar on Louisiana Farmout Agreements
New Orleans, Louisiana- 1981
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Lafayette, Louisiana
Louisiana Mineral Law -1982
Introduction to Paralegal Practice-1985
Audit Business Law- 1985
Houston Seminar on Certification of Petroleum Landman-1990
CPL certification August- 1990 (I did not re-certify in August 2000)
American Arbitration Association certified Mediator- 1994 (currently not certified)
Advanced Mediator Skills Training Workshop-1995
SPIDR Conference Dallas, Texas -1995
Louisiana State University-
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
No art Degree
Art Education in Elementary School – 1977-1978
Introduction to Ceramics- 1995-1996
Special Studies Sculpture- 1999-2000
Intermediate Sculpture- 1999-2000
Texas A&M University-
College Station Texas
Design Course – 1976-1977
University of Louisiana
Lafayette, Louisiana
Introduction to Metalwork and Jewelry-1996
Intermediate Sculpture – 1996
Intermediate Metalwork and Jewelry- 1996
Intermediate Sculpture- 199