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Paul Osburn
Mineral/Working Interest AbstractorOver 15 Years experience in all sides of the Landman profession. I have heavy HBP experience and running complex mineral and working interest title. I have worked in the East Texas area and the Permian Basin area.
Last Resume Update | April 05, 2021 |
Degree | Associate Degree |
Experience | More than 15 Years |
Category | Landman |
Phone Number | register to see |
register to see | |
Street Address | register to see |
City | Tyler |
State | TX |
NTEX Land Services, Midland, Texas- Surface, Mineral, Working Interest, Due Diligence and Curative. April 2016 to December 2020.
Monument Resources, LLC, Longview, Texas- Surface, Mineral, Working Interest, Due Diligence and Curative. May 2015 to March 2016.
Ted Walters and Associates, Tyler, Texas- Surface, Mineral, Working Interest, Due Diligence, Leasing and Curative. December 2012 to May 2015.
Lambert Resources, Marshall, Texas. Surface, Mineral, Working Interest, Leasing, Curative. November 2008 to January 2012
GHK Land, Marshall, Texas. Surface, Mineral Leasing, & Curative
ALL- Mostly Drill site Title Runsheet's
NTEX Land Services, Midland, Texas- Surface, Mineral, Working Interest, Due Diligence and Curative. April 2016 to December 2020.
Monument Resources, LLC, Longview, Texas- Surface, Mineral, Working Interest, Due Diligence and Curative. May 2015 to March 2016.
Ted Walters and Associates, Tyler, Texas- Surface, Mineral, Working Interest, Due Diligence, Leasing and Curative. December 2012 to May 2015.
Lambert Resources, Marshall, Texas. Surface, Mineral, Working Interest, Leasing, Curative. November 2008 to January 2012
GHK Land, Marshall, Texas. Surface, Mineral Leasing, & Curative
ALL- Mostly Drill site Title Runsheet's
Associate in Business from Tyler Junior College