View Resume

Amy Rigall
Right of Way Title Agent• Courthouse research from sovereign to current to determine mineral/surface ownership. • Runsheet and Mineral Ownership Report preparation for determining surface and subsurface interest breakdowns • Negotiated surface and mineral permits with landowners for 3-D seismic • Key strengths include research, document interpretation, chain of title calculations, oil and gas leasing, surface leasing and right of way acquisitions • Familiar with both metes and bounds and township and range • Substantial experience in the basic Oil & Gas industry standard software programs and databases to include: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Lotus Approach, Greenbriar Net Deed Plotter, Informatik Mapdraw, Adobe Acrobat X, ArcView GIS and rowAMPS
Last Resume Update | September 11, 2012 |
Degree | Some College Coursework Completed |
Experience | 3+ to 5 Years |
Category | Title Examiner |
Phone Number | register to see |
register to see | |
Street Address | register to see |
City | Copperas Cove |
State | TX |
17 Aug 2012 16000 Barkers Point Lane, Suite 250
Houston, Texas 77079 Office: 832-300-6400
Work Accountability and Performance:
• Performed right of way surface title research in multiple counties in the South and West Texas regions and Oklahoma for the purposes of conducting 30/50 year surface title research to determine current surface ownership
• Finalized title research by preparing a Chain of Title (COT) and Limited Title Certificate (LTC) to show current surface ownership and interest breakdowns for each land owner, as well as deed plotting and reflecting each tract on current maps and tobins
• Database Administration; Responsible for entering data on all completed tracts into the company website for further review
30 Jan 2011- Datapush, Inc. Database Administration/
02 Aug 2011 833 S Kelly Ave Suite 160 GIS Tech Assistant
Edmond, Oklahoma 73003
Office: 405-314-2632
Work Accountability and Performance:
• Database administration; responsible for maintaining company database
• Familiar with navigating the RRC website for Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Kansas, for identifying Oil & Gas Wells and pipeline data and to determine if any subject tracts are being “HBP” or if there are any offset well reports within the prospect
• Knowledgeable at mineral permitting for seismic prospects
• Assisted GIS Technician in creating, reading and interpreting maps
09 July 2008- WLS & Associates, Inc. Field Landman
15 Dec 2010 237 Wesley Ridge
Spicewood, Texas 78669
Office: 512-673-9142
Work Accountability and Performance:
• Extensive courthouse research from sovereign to current to determine mineral/surface ownership.
• Runsheet preparation and Mineral Ownership Reports/flowcharts reflecting current mineral/surface ownership
• Database Administration
• Due Diligence to ensure accurate and precise “chain of title”
01 Jan 2007- Bill Oliver & Associates, Inc. Field Landman
25 May 2008 16703 Promenade Park
Cypress, Texas 77429
Office: 281-507-2953
Work Accountability and Performance:
• Courthouse research from sovereign to current to determine mineral/surface ownership.
• Runsheet and Mineral Ownership Report preparation for determining surface and subsurface interest breakdowns
• Negotiated surface and mineral permits with landowners for 3-D seismic
• 2005-2006: Remington College/ Medical Assistant