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Michael McGee

"Get 'er done right...the first time."

Provide accurate and thorough research of abstracts in the Wolfberry, Barnett Shales and townships and ranges in New Mexico, from patent to present time to verify ownership of mineral interests through careful research of courthouse records, abstract plant information and internet data. Expertise in running title and curative to produce drill site and limited title run sheets and ownership reports. Detailed knowledge of city and county offices in Mitchell, Irion, Crockett, Midland, Ector, Martin, Hartley, Swisher, Tarrant, Denton, Dallas, Johnson and Parker Counties, TX. Use of Greenbrier Graphics Deed Plotting Software, Microsoft Office Suite including hyperlinking of Excel Spreadsheet data to documents.

Last Resume Update July 25, 2013
Experience 5+ to 7 Years
Category Landman
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City Fort Worth
State TX


Dawson Energy, Fort Worth, TX, September, 2011-July, 2012
REDSKY LAND, L. L. C., Fort Worth, TX, September, 2009-June, 2011
CWC ENERGY, Irving, TX, January, 2007-August, 2009
Job duties combined in "Profile Summary."


AAPL membership with RL, RPL certification pending;
FWAPL membership.

TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY, Lubbock, Texas: Speech and Journalism Courses

TARRANT COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE, Fort Worth, Texas: Speech and Art Courses

TEXAS WESLEYAN COLLEGE, Fort Worth, Texas: Liberal Arts Courses