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Leslie Gauthier
Abstractor/Title AgentBroad industry experience includes Leasing Title (Arkansas - patent to present, Louisiana - 10 and 30 year, Ohio - 150 year), LeaseChecks/History, Abstracting - Base,Supplemental & Complimental (Louisiana and Arkansas, 2 years as Crew Leader), Due Diligence, Mineral Ownership ReportsLease Acquisition Reports,Title Opinion Updates, HBP/Working Interest, Flowcharting
Last Resume Update | November 27, 2012 |
Degree | Some College Coursework Completed |
Experience | 7+ to 10 Years |
Category | Landman |
Phone Number | register to see |
register to see | |
Street Address | register to see |
City | Sunset |
State | LA |
8/20/2012 - 10/26/2012 Mark A. O'neal & Assoc., Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana; 225-389-1100; CFO/Director of Human Resources - Sharon Hill
a. Title Agent/Abstractor as Full time Employee
30-year Lease Title and Lease Checks
6/27/2012 - 7/31/2012 Cornay-Lowry Land Services, Inc., Lafayette, Louisiana; 337-235-9982 Project Manager/Shawn Armand
a. Abstractor/ Base and Supplemental Abstracts - Patent to present.
3/3/2012 - 4/27/2012 Schoeffler Energy Group, New Philadelphia, OH
Team Leaders/Pat Fowler 616-862-4838, Mike Harris 337-962-5906
a. Independent Title Agent/Abstractor: Due Diligence (150
year title)
3/2008 - 2/2012 Mark A. O'neal & Assoc., Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana; 225-389-1100; Chief Operating Officer/Bill Williams
a. Title Agent/Abstractor: Supplemental MOR's,Title Opinion Updates, Abstracting,Due Diligence
b. 3 years as Independent Title Agent/Abstractor : Lease Title Abstracting
02/2007 - 07/2007 Petro Prep, LLC, Lafayette, Louisiana
(Sub-contracted to Mark A. O'Neal & Associates, Inc. 225-389-1100)
Project Manager/Bill Williams 225-938-1174
a. Independent Title Agent /Abstractor: Lease Title, Abstracting (Supplemental)
01/2006 - 01/2007 Cornay-Lowry Land Services, Inc., Lafayette, Louisiana 337-235-9982
Project Manager/Jeff Heard 337-298-8773
a. Independent Entry Level Title Agent : Lease Title
10 - 30 year, with MOR's, Lease History (created Excel spreadsheets
10/2005 - 10/2006 Copeland's Restaurant, Lafayette, Louisiana
Kevin Poirier/Kitchen Manager 337-296-9156 (now owns another restaurant)
a. Pastry Chef: Prepared desserts, side dishes, sauces,
dressings; maintained Back Line inventory; worked independent
of other Chefs, directly under Kitchen Manager; full tim
08/2004 - 08/2005 St. Martin Hospital, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana 337-332-2178 Nurse Manager/Cathy Boudreaux (worked full and part-time
during Nursing School)
a. In-House Patient Desk Clerk: General office duties, ER
admissions, insurance verification, initiate patient charts.
09/2003 - 08/2004 b. Certified Nurse Aide : Direct inpatient care.
04/1998 - 04/2002 Heart's Desire Personal Chef Service, Folsom, Louisiana
Owner/Personal Chef
a. Upstart Personal Chef service: Developed and implemented
comprehensive client "Food Preference" questionnaire,
planned menus, recipes, daily equipment and grocery lists;
created client meals on location (serviced St. Tammany and
Jefferson Parishes) and was covered by business license and
liability insurance .
01/1997- 11/1997 Randy Willis, CPL, Lafayette, Louisiana
(Sub-contracted to J.O. Easley, Inc./Southwestern Energy E&P)
a. Independent Entry Level Title Agent : Abstracting; indexing and verifying entries, assisted in compilation.
a. Title Agent/Abstractor as Full time Employee
30-year Lease Title and Lease Checks
6/27/2012 - 7/31/2012 Cornay-Lowry Land Services, Inc., Lafayette, Louisiana; 337-235-9982 Project Manager/Shawn Armand
a. Abstractor/ Base and Supplemental Abstracts - Patent to present.
3/3/2012 - 4/27/2012 Schoeffler Energy Group, New Philadelphia, OH
Team Leaders/Pat Fowler 616-862-4838, Mike Harris 337-962-5906
a. Independent Title Agent/Abstractor: Due Diligence (150
year title)
3/2008 - 2/2012 Mark A. O'neal & Assoc., Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana; 225-389-1100; Chief Operating Officer/Bill Williams
a. Title Agent/Abstractor: Supplemental MOR's,Title Opinion Updates, Abstracting,Due Diligence
b. 3 years as Independent Title Agent/Abstractor : Lease Title Abstracting
02/2007 - 07/2007 Petro Prep, LLC, Lafayette, Louisiana
(Sub-contracted to Mark A. O'Neal & Associates, Inc. 225-389-1100)
Project Manager/Bill Williams 225-938-1174
a. Independent Title Agent /Abstractor: Lease Title, Abstracting (Supplemental)
01/2006 - 01/2007 Cornay-Lowry Land Services, Inc., Lafayette, Louisiana 337-235-9982
Project Manager/Jeff Heard 337-298-8773
a. Independent Entry Level Title Agent : Lease Title
10 - 30 year, with MOR's, Lease History (created Excel spreadsheets
10/2005 - 10/2006 Copeland's Restaurant, Lafayette, Louisiana
Kevin Poirier/Kitchen Manager 337-296-9156 (now owns another restaurant)
a. Pastry Chef: Prepared desserts, side dishes, sauces,
dressings; maintained Back Line inventory; worked independent
of other Chefs, directly under Kitchen Manager; full tim
08/2004 - 08/2005 St. Martin Hospital, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana 337-332-2178 Nurse Manager/Cathy Boudreaux (worked full and part-time
during Nursing School)
a. In-House Patient Desk Clerk: General office duties, ER
admissions, insurance verification, initiate patient charts.
09/2003 - 08/2004 b. Certified Nurse Aide : Direct inpatient care.
04/1998 - 04/2002 Heart's Desire Personal Chef Service, Folsom, Louisiana
Owner/Personal Chef
a. Upstart Personal Chef service: Developed and implemented
comprehensive client "Food Preference" questionnaire,
planned menus, recipes, daily equipment and grocery lists;
created client meals on location (serviced St. Tammany and
Jefferson Parishes) and was covered by business license and
liability insurance .
01/1997- 11/1997 Randy Willis, CPL, Lafayette, Louisiana
(Sub-contracted to J.O. Easley, Inc./Southwestern Energy E&P)
a. Independent Entry Level Title Agent : Abstracting; indexing and verifying entries, assisted in compilation.
2003 - 2004 Lafayette General Medical Center School of Health
Sciences, Lafayette, Louisiana (daytime classes,
2003 University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette,
Louisiana (attended evening classes; Nursing)
2001 - 2002 Louisiana Technical College - Sullivan Campus,
Bogalusa, Louisiana (Nursing)
2001 Delgado Community College, Slidell, Louisiana;
(General Studies)
1998 United State Personal Chef Association (USPCA),
Albuquerque, New Mexico ; Completed Personal
Chef Certification
Sciences, Lafayette, Louisiana (daytime classes,
2003 University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette,
Louisiana (attended evening classes; Nursing)
2001 - 2002 Louisiana Technical College - Sullivan Campus,
Bogalusa, Louisiana (Nursing)
2001 Delgado Community College, Slidell, Louisiana;
(General Studies)
1998 United State Personal Chef Association (USPCA),
Albuquerque, New Mexico ; Completed Personal
Chef Certification