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Victor Rosenthal
Abstractor/Title Landman28 years experience in Real Estate/Oil and Gas Title.
Last Resume Update | February 08, 2013 |
Degree | Associate Degree |
Experience | More than 15 Years |
Category | Landman |
Phone Number | register to see |
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Street Address | register to see |
City | Shreveport |
State | LA |
T.S. Dudley Land Co., Inc.,
5925 N. Robinson Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73118
March – August 2012 Abstractor in Youngstown, OH for Mahoning County mineral ownership searches then reassigned to Ludington, MI for 3 month project in Mason and Oceana County.
Cypress Energy
400 Travis Street, Suite 1000, Shreveport, La, 71101
2008- 2012 Research in Rusk County and Gregg County, TX. Also Caddo Parish, Arcadia Parish and DeSoto Parish, Louisiana and others for abstract and curative searches.
Tom Fouts, Oil and Gas broker, Birmingham, Al
2005 - 2008 Research in Saint Clair, Etowah, Jefferson and Hale County, Alabama for mineral title patent to present. Performed searches as needed.
Victor Rosenthal - Independent Abstractor
2004 - 2008 Various real estate title services from Full Title, Corporation titles, Current owner searches, and document retrievals. Multiple clients were Transunion, Chesapeake, Lender's First Choice and others. Satisfied titles in over 30 counties in Alabama.
Rosenthal Title Corp., 544 E. 8th St., Traverse City, MI 49684
1995 - 2004 Ran my own company in Northern Michigan with up to 5 employees and servicing counties in Northern Michigan.: Grand Traverse, Benzie, Leelanau, Wexford and Manistee Counties.
C.A.P. Land Company
3 Mile Rd., Traverse City, Mi
1994 - 1995 Independent Landman. Antrim Shale formations.
Mid-American Title Co.
126 Boardman Ave., Traverse City, MI 49684
1992 - 1994 Abstractor. Searched and typed commitments for Northern Michigan counties.
Mercury Exploration Co.
1619 Pennsylvania Avenue, Fort Worth, TX
1991 - 1992 Independent Landman. Researched mineral titles Patent to present.
Rosenthal Abstract Co.
4149 Brammer Dr., T.C., MI 49684
1989 - 1991 Sole proprietor of oil and gas abstracting firm.
Basin Abstract & Title
3130 Logan Valley Rd., T.C. MI 49684
1984 - 1989 Operations Manager and Abstractor. Trained by Title Lawyer Stephen Smith.
5925 N. Robinson Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73118
March – August 2012 Abstractor in Youngstown, OH for Mahoning County mineral ownership searches then reassigned to Ludington, MI for 3 month project in Mason and Oceana County.
Cypress Energy
400 Travis Street, Suite 1000, Shreveport, La, 71101
2008- 2012 Research in Rusk County and Gregg County, TX. Also Caddo Parish, Arcadia Parish and DeSoto Parish, Louisiana and others for abstract and curative searches.
Tom Fouts, Oil and Gas broker, Birmingham, Al
2005 - 2008 Research in Saint Clair, Etowah, Jefferson and Hale County, Alabama for mineral title patent to present. Performed searches as needed.
Victor Rosenthal - Independent Abstractor
2004 - 2008 Various real estate title services from Full Title, Corporation titles, Current owner searches, and document retrievals. Multiple clients were Transunion, Chesapeake, Lender's First Choice and others. Satisfied titles in over 30 counties in Alabama.
Rosenthal Title Corp., 544 E. 8th St., Traverse City, MI 49684
1995 - 2004 Ran my own company in Northern Michigan with up to 5 employees and servicing counties in Northern Michigan.: Grand Traverse, Benzie, Leelanau, Wexford and Manistee Counties.
C.A.P. Land Company
3 Mile Rd., Traverse City, Mi
1994 - 1995 Independent Landman. Antrim Shale formations.
Mid-American Title Co.
126 Boardman Ave., Traverse City, MI 49684
1992 - 1994 Abstractor. Searched and typed commitments for Northern Michigan counties.
Mercury Exploration Co.
1619 Pennsylvania Avenue, Fort Worth, TX
1991 - 1992 Independent Landman. Researched mineral titles Patent to present.
Rosenthal Abstract Co.
4149 Brammer Dr., T.C., MI 49684
1989 - 1991 Sole proprietor of oil and gas abstracting firm.
Basin Abstract & Title
3130 Logan Valley Rd., T.C. MI 49684
1984 - 1989 Operations Manager and Abstractor. Trained by Title Lawyer Stephen Smith.
Northwestern Michigan College, Munson Ave, Traverse City, MI
1980 - 1984 Associate's Degree acquired in Liberal Arts.
1988 - 1989 Attended courses toward a Bachelor's degree in computer science.
1980 - 1984 Associate's Degree acquired in Liberal Arts.
1988 - 1989 Attended courses toward a Bachelor's degree in computer science.