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Kathie English
Title Landman-AbstractorKathleen M. English (Kathie) Independent Landman P.O. Box 262 Cory, Colorado 81414 970-250-6048 cell QUALIFICATIONS 25 years of experience working in all aspects of the Title Insurance Industry, mainly title research, and 12 years of Mineral titles & abstracts. Currently working as an Independent Contract Landman, researching mineral titles, preparing reports, run sheets and doing abstracts, some curative. I have, also, done some leasing, but it is not my preferred area. I have a current Colorado Notary. I have experience using Excel, Word, and Deed Plotter. I can read & plot metes & bounds descriptions. I have extensive experience running metes & bounds title & Section, Township & Range titles. I have worked on Mineral Titles in: 1. UTAH - Carbon, Emery, Grand, Juab, Sanpete, Uintah & Duchesne Counties 2. COLORADO - Adams, Weld, Garfield, Rio Blanco, Moffat, Mesa, Routt, Montrose, Delta, Pitkin, Eagle Counties 3. NEVADA - Elko County 4. NEW MEXICO - Guadalupe, Curry & Quay Counties 5. WYOMING - Carbon County, (Rawlins), the BLM office in Cheyenne, Campbell County (Gillette) 6. Williams County, North Dakota, through the Online Services, updating Title Opinions. 7. I, also, have experience working on surface title, right-of-way, in Alaska & Pitkin Co., Colorado I have experience working in the BLM offices of Colorado, researching ownerships, also Cheyenne, Wyoming. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2004- Currently working as an Independent –doing Mineral and surface titles, abstracts and some landowner contact. I have a lot of experience putting together abstracts, updating Division Order & Drilling Title Opinions, Run sheets, MOR’s., some curative work & leasing work. 2002-2004 Branch Manager CPR Title, Grand Junction, Colorado Supervised all aspects of the office, including: Title Examining, preparing and presenting closing. Working with the public to equitably resolve issues that arise prior to closing and after the closing takes place, working closely with the Realtors & Attorneys. Also worked on Mineral titles. 2000-2002 Independent Landman Researched mineral title and prepared abstracts and title reports, & worked on a pipeline project, Updated Drilling title Opinions. 1999-2000 Title Manager, Land Title Guarantee Company, Aspen, Colorado Managed the title department. Searched titles, typed commitments and policies. Worked closely with Real Estate agents, attorneys, and lenders, property owners, to resolve issues prior to closing & follow up after the closing. 1995-1999 Title Manager, Stewart Title, Glenwood Springs, Colorado Managed the title department, examined title, work closely with attorneys, lenders, Real Estate agents and property owners to resolve issues regarding title. 1994-1995 Personal Assistant and Real Estate Agent, Bray and Company & Monument Realty Grand Junction, Colorado Worked as personal assistant for a top selling real estate agent, then got my Real Estate license and sold Real Estate. 1988-1994 Customer Service/Title Examiner-Western Colorado Title, now, Stewart Title Grand Junction, Colorado. This office is now closed. Dealt with all the incoming calls and took care of the customer concerns and problem solved, also did some title examining. 1983-1988 Ran my own business and worked part-time at Commonwealth Title Rifle, Colorado, doing policies and posting the title plant and for Fender Realty, Carbondale, Colorado, doing receptionist and bookkeeping 1979-1983 Title Examiner/Escrow Officer-Snowmass Title, Stewart Title and Transamerica Title, Aspen, Colorado 1975-1979 Poster, Searcher, Examiner, Title Officer-First American Title, TICOR Title, and Transamerica Title in San Diego, California REFERENCES Larry Griffin Attorney, Landman 508-395-2943 Former Crew Chief Janet Rost Landman 303-564-4326 Former Crew Chief Dennis Mann Landman 903-385-5107 Former Crew Chief Tom Kintzele Attorney, Landman 970-948-2321 I have known Tom since 2000
Last Resume Update | April 15, 2013 |
Category | Title Examiner |
Phone Number | register to see |
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Street Address | register to see |
City | Cory |
State | CO |