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Brendan Kelly
AAPL Landman, Attorney, Veteran, and Dad.Landman and attorney, with extensive experience in title work, land management and land administration. I have experience with QLS (Quorum Land System) and DeedPlotter Software as well Microsoft Office products. I've been an AAPL member since 2005, and I will complete the Professional Land Management Certificate Program at University of Houston, Downtown in December 2014. I plan to take the CPL exam in 2015. My military experience, (Major, U.S. Army Reserve) gave me invaluable leadership training and supervisory experience. My years of writing and reviewing title opinions taught me how to calculate all forms of interests (royalty, mineral, overriding royalties, working interest, etc.). I've drafted contracts, represented clients in court, negotiated with regulatory agencies, and represented my employers in negotiations with landowners and partner companies. I know my way around a lease. I started as a field landman after I got out of the Army in 2005, so I'm closing in on ten years of experience in landwork. I transitioned from field to in-house work in 2010. Along the way I've picked up skills in almost every aspect of the land business. I've done lease and right of way negotiations in Louisiana, abstracting in Louisiana, Arkansas and South Texas. I've done title examination, written title opinions, dealt with pooling and easements, calculated acreage, leasehold size, and complex divisions of interest using only original documents. I located missing heirs in Pennsylvania and California. I've done pre- divestiture review of Louisiana properties, and post- acquisition review for Texas properties. I've done curative for North Dakota title, reviewed California leases, and reviewed New Mexico operating agreements. I've had extensive experience troubleshooting landowner and partner company problems. If you need something done, there's a good chance I've done it before, and if I haven't, I'm a quick learner. Thank you for your consideration.
Last Resume Update | August 22, 2014 |
Degree | Professional |
Experience | 7+ to 10 Years |
Category | Landman |
Phone Number | register to see |
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Street Address | register to see |
City | Houston |
State | TX |
Consulting Landman, August 2013 to present
Set up and ongoing maintenance of oil and gas leases, land contracts and other legal documents using Quorum Land System Software. Ensuring accurate representation of client's ownership, obligations and provisions in Quorum Land System. Review acreage, working interest, lease expiration, legal description of leased land. Calculate payments due to landowner. Calculate Working Interest, Royalty Interest, and total payment due, for subject properties. Verify data integrity and correct errors in Quorum system. Utilize DOGGR system to cross check accuracy of production data and locate wells. Write training materials for fellow co-workers.
Hess Corporation – Houston, Texas
Consulting Landman, A/R Issues Resolution Team, October 2012 to August 2013
Represented client company in negotiations with outside joint partners and mineral owners to resolve billing and ownership disputes. Personally responsible for bringing in over $1,000,000 in unpaid billables. Identified and resolved decimal discrepancies. Calculated correct Division of Interest for target properties, including working interest, royalty interest, non-participating royalty interests, and net revenue interests. Worked with and trained on SAP and QLS (Quorum Land System) computer systems. Performed direct client service; responded to mineral owner complaints and successfully resolved said problems. Reviewed mineral title, collaborated with other companies to resolve ownership disputes in outside operated wells, and expedite payments. Worked closely with land department to correct and update internal corporate ownership records, and JIB (joint interest billing) decks. Examined and cured title problems with North Dakota properties. Assisted with special projects as required.
Cinco Land Services - Houston, Texas
Consulting Landman, Eagleford Shale Title Verification Project, January 2012 to October 2012
Examined legal title related to client properties. Collaborated with other team members and field landmen to correct both corporate records and legal documents to clear title and demonstrate correct ownership of properties. Worked closely with GIS and mapping teams to determine location and size of properties purchased by client. Calculated working interest, net revenue interests, and royalty interest for client purchased properties.
Burleson L.L.P. Houston, Texas
Senior Counsel, June 2011 to January 2012.
Reviewed and edited junior attorney's title opinions. Drafted base, original, & limited title opinions from original documents. Traced chain of title, calculated working interest, net revenue interests, and royalty interest for client purchased properties. Spotted and corrected errors and omissions in title record before they became a problem. Drafted title opinions for horizontal wells drilled under the suburbs of Fort Worth, Texas.
Cinco Land Services, - Houston, Texas
Perform due diligence and data verification examination of legal documents to confirm client ownership interest as part of divestiture project. Confirmed legal title of client, and calculated working interest, net revenue interests, and royalty interest owned by client.
Craig S. Charbonnet and Associates, The Woodlands Texas.
Contract Landman August 2010 to February 2011
Reviewed North Dakota title records to spot errors and omissions in title records. Used NDRIN computer system, and personal contacts with County Clerks in North Dakota to correct errors in land title records. Directed on-site landmen how to successfully resolve title issues before they became a problem.
C.W. Lake and Associates, Karnes City, Texas
Independent Landman, Title Researcher, January 2010 to August 2010
Researched computer databases to locate landowners and NPRI holders across the country. Contacted landowners, and non participating royalty interest owners to obtain ratifications of Leases.
Worked with county officials to ensure proper documentation of client ownership interests in mineral properties. Negotiated with landowners in order to lease mineral interests.
Sadler Law Firm, L.L.P. Houston Texas,
Associate Attorney, September 2006 to December 2009.
Draft Division Order Title Opinions, Original Title Opinions, Unit Base Title Opinions and Curative Title Opinions.
Calculated working interest, royalty interest, non-participating royalty interest, leasehold interests, and complete Division of Interest percentages from original title documents.
Reviewed Farmout Agreements, Contracts, Leases, Assignments, and other documents, trace ownership of land back to original patent and correctly determine current ownership thereof.
Directed outside Landmen to obtain curative documents and resolve title problems.
Perform due diligence work in sale and acquisition of Oil and Gas properties.
Advised clients on remedial title curative measures.
Specialized in title opinions for horizontal wells in built up areas, and unconventional shale plays.
Researched and resolved issues regarding railroad title.
Harold J. Anderson Inc., Houston, Texas
Landman, February 2006-September 2006
Contract Landman, gained experience in all aspects of landwork.
Performed courthouse research of land titles in Louisiana and Arkansas.
Represented clients in negotiations with local attorneys and landowners.
United States Central Command (CENTCOM) Headquarters
Major, U.S. Army Reserve, April 2003 – December 2005
Worked on CENTCOM J-3 (Operations) Staff - Conducted coordination and prioritization of military airlift to support and transport coalition assets into and out of CENTCOM theater of operations.
Assisted with real time coordination and execution of emergency/priority airlift requirements including 2005 Pakistani earthquake relief airlift.
Served in CENTCOM Joint Intelligence Operations Center ("the War Room"). Providing liaison between CENTCOM and forces deployed in Afghanistan AOR.
Produced daily reports used by Pentagon, SECDEF, and higher for policy decisions.
Forward HQ in Qatar and with 5th Army Headquarters in Kuwait
Promoted to Major, October 2005.
Williamson and Chaves, Houston, Texas
Associate Attorney, 2000 – 2002
First chair experience at calendar, motion, and bond hearings.
Wrote appellate briefs for 5th Circuit, and 10th Circuit Courts.
Wrote over two dozen appellate briefs.
Successfully pursued Federal Mandamus suit, wrote all briefs and motions.
Assisted in Federal Habeas Corpus suits, writing brief and all motions for same.
Represented clients and in negotiations with Federal Agencies.
Joint Task Force West Coast Guard Island, Alameda, California
Captain, U.S. Army Reserve, November 1999 – April 2000
Served one six month tour with Joint Task Force West. Provided intelligence support to U.S. Coast Guard anti-drug smuggling operations. Also worked on pre-Y2K task force, as well as in arranging official protocol operations for visitors.
Joint Task Force Six, Houston, Texas
Captain, U.S. Army Reserve, October 1997 – August 1999
Served 4 six month tours in support of Federal, State, and local Law Enforcement Agencies engaged in counter-drug smuggling efforts in the Houston HIDTA area. Provided technical, analytical, and intelligence support to FBI and DEA. Personally responsible for liaison with all agencies and completion of personnel actions for my team.
Professional Land Management Certificate Program - July 2014 - December 2014
University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas
Juris Doctor degree, 1995 – Major in Law, - Bar Number 00796868
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bachelor of Arts degree, 1988, Major in Political Science, double minors in History/Military Science
Familiar with Microsoft Word, Excel, and other products, DeedPlotter Software, and internet research