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Morgan J Connor

CPL with over 20 years Land Management Experience

Certified Professional Landman (CPL) with over 20 years of Land Management Experience looking for a new career opportunity During my career I have enjoyed the opportunity of working in all aspects of Land and Land Management, For the last 8 years, I worked as the only in-house Professional Land Manager assisting upper management, geology, operations and accounting in Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Utah and Texas, Responsible for rentals, permitting, zoning, leasing, and land activities related to operated and non-operated wells, including the creation, approval and processing of all operated and non-operated AFEs, contracts, lease administration, well working interests and revenue interests, calculated and approved division orders, drafted and approved various curative instruments, and managed lease records using several mainframe programs, Conducted title research, due diligence, lease acquisitions, organized sales packages, created or reviewed paper and virtual data rooms, resolved due diligence matters, coordinated, drafted and approved closing documents, Negotiated Farmout Agreements and Joint Operating Agreements as an Operator and Non-Operator, Appointed as Attorney in Fact with the authority to sign purchase and sales agreements, state, federal and county assignments, JOAs, AFEs, division orders and other contracts and curative documents, Negotiated Purchase and Sales Agreements and participated during contentious and sophisticated drafting sessions on larger agreements, Negotiated surface damages, zoning, federal and state permitting, salt water disposal agreements and pipeline rights-of-way, created, corrected and contracted Federal Units, Processed and approved bills from brokers working on leasing, permitting or due diligence, Approved all rentals, shut-ins and minimum royalties payments and during a staff shortage processed rentals for payment, Maintained all insurance, bonds and state registrations, The Land functions I enjoy the most are lease administration, mentoring, knowledge sharing and designing procedures that assist in the improvement of the companies records, while subscribing to the ethics of a Certified Professional Landman.

Last Resume Update July 02, 2015
Degree Bachelors Degree
Experience More than 15 Years
Category Land Manager
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City Denver
State CO


Koch Exploration Company, LLC
Land Manager
August 2006 to January 2015

Results-oriented Land professional with twenty plus years of “hands on” Land Management experience in the Rocky Mountain Area,

Excellent interpersonal, communication, project management and implementation skills across these and other Land competencies.

Key Land representative on large acquisitions and divestitures, managing due diligence and leasing teams. Responsible for the design of lease administration systems and land procedures, prepared division orders, cured title, created revenue and billing breakdowns, coordinated with non-operators and on non-operated properties.

Skills and Accomplishments include:

Joint Operating Agreement Expert with negotiations as Operator and Non-Operator,

Participated in acquisitions valued over $316MM, involved in Purchase and Sales Agreement negotiations, primary signature as Attorney-in-Fact on Bureau of Land Management, state and county conveyance documents, was responsible for the project due diligence,

Participated in several multi-million divestitures with a sales value of over $225MM. Organized the Land Package, data room, coordinated due diligence matters and closing documents. A quick and focus reaction and preparation allowed the company to sell at advantageous times,

Testified as an Expert Witness before the Utah, Colorado and New Mexico State Conservation Commissions

Coordinated Land, Accounting and Field Activities,

Administration of Operated and Non-operated Properties,

Made major improvements and much needed upgrades of Land Records and the Computer System including: Automated the Division Order, Transfer Orders, Rental and Obligation Calendars Processes, and designed main frame records import and export tools,

Improved Prospect system, Contract, Well, Right-of-Way and Lease Records to a “Marketable Standard”,

Vessels Oil & Gas Company
Land Manager
July 1980 to March 1994

Responsible for all Land Activities related to drilling over 200 wells and Pipeline Rights-of-Way acquisitions for local gas gathering operations and:
Lease Negotiations,
Project Management,
Acquisitions and Divestitures,
Lease Administration,
Joint Operating Agreement,
Contract Negotiations,
Zoning Projects,
Operated and Non-Operated Wells,
Purchase and Sales Negotiations,
Permitting and Surface Damage Settlements,
Title Curative and Approval,
Gas Marketing,
Customer Service.


American Graduate School of International Management AKA Thunderbird School of Global Management, AZ
Certificate of Advance Study in International Management
Fall Semester 1980

University of Arizona, Eller College of Management, Tucson, Arizona
Bachelor’s Degree
Business Administration and Management, Marketing
Spring 1977 to Summer of 1980