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Elizabeth Spangenberg
Attorney, LandmanI am a young, ambitious Pennsylvania attorney with experience in the oil and gas industry, right of way industry, and practice of law. I currently work for the PA Department of Environmental Protection, where I am becoming well rounded in various areas of environmental law enforcement and litigation. I would like to use my diverse skills set and knowledge to continue to grow and add value to the energy industry.
Last Resume Update | April 29, 2015 |
Degree | Doctorate |
Experience | 3+ to 5 Years |
Category | Attorney |
Phone Number | register to see |
register to see | |
Street Address | register to see |
City | Harrisburg |
State | PA |
Attorney, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Harrisburg, PA July 2014-Present
• Enforce Environmental Regulations against entities and persons in violation of the Regulations;
• Work with program staff, outside counsel and landowners/persons of interest to ensure compliance and that all parties are satisfied to the best of my abilities;
• Litigation in front of the Environmental Hearing Board when issues cannot be settled;
• Draft and review Civil Penalty Assessments and Consent Orders for violations of the Regulations;
• Review internal records and respond to outside requestors under the Pa. Right-To-Know Law.
Abstractor-Reviewer, Percheron LLC, Lancaster, PA January 2014-July
• Reviewed colleagues’ chains-of-title to meet strict deadlines for final approval by client;
• Successfully met difficult title deadlines for client;
• Provided constructive feedback and direction to colleagues when reviewing their title work.
Abstractor, Percheron LLC, Lancaster, PA October 2013-June 2013
• Researched and analyzed owner and property information for a complete chain-of-title for right-of-way purposes in the mid-stream phase of the petroleum industry;
• Met daily and weekly production goals and deadlines individually and as a group.
Volunteer Attorney, Dauphin County Bar Association, Harrisburg, PA September-October 2013
• Provided civil legal services to indigent clients, including court appearances for custody matters and legal advice on family law related issues.
Landman and Abstractor, Contractor for Oil and Gas producers, PA/OH March-August 2013
• Worked in independent and group settings in the upstream phase of the petroleum industry to meet daily and weekly production goals for mineral/oil and gas title research;
• Reviewed and researched documents including, but not limited to: Deeds, Mortgages, Assignments, Oil and Gas Leases, Right-of-Ways, Easements, Probates and Judgments;
• Located and contacted mineral owners for leasing opportunities; negotiated terms of leases.
Certified Legal Intern, Dauphin County District Attorney, Harrisburg, PA Summer 2012
• Bench Trial and Jury Trial preparation, Preliminary and Juvenile Hearings, Guilty Pleas, Probation Revocations, and various court-room related appearances;
• Wrote Appeal Briefs, Memos, and Motions;
• Negotiated with Defense Counsel, worked with investigators and police officers.
Legal Intern, Access to Justice Law Clinic, Grand Rapids, MI Spring 2012
• Successfully conducted settlement conferences with adverse parties and in Judges’ chambers;
• Argued and drafted child custody and support motions for settlement;
• Problem solved and strategized with clients to facilitate goals and possible outcomes.
Receptionist, Cunningham & Chernicoff, P.C., Harrisburg, PA June-December 2009
• Assisted attorneys and secretaries with files and client information, screened incoming calls.
Customer Service Intern, Pennsylvania State Employee Credit Union (PSECU), Mansfield, PA 2006-2008
• Acquired customers for our campus’ services through speeches at campus events, job fairs and orientations;
• Enforce Environmental Regulations against entities and persons in violation of the Regulations;
• Work with program staff, outside counsel and landowners/persons of interest to ensure compliance and that all parties are satisfied to the best of my abilities;
• Litigation in front of the Environmental Hearing Board when issues cannot be settled;
• Draft and review Civil Penalty Assessments and Consent Orders for violations of the Regulations;
• Review internal records and respond to outside requestors under the Pa. Right-To-Know Law.
Abstractor-Reviewer, Percheron LLC, Lancaster, PA January 2014-July
• Reviewed colleagues’ chains-of-title to meet strict deadlines for final approval by client;
• Successfully met difficult title deadlines for client;
• Provided constructive feedback and direction to colleagues when reviewing their title work.
Abstractor, Percheron LLC, Lancaster, PA October 2013-June 2013
• Researched and analyzed owner and property information for a complete chain-of-title for right-of-way purposes in the mid-stream phase of the petroleum industry;
• Met daily and weekly production goals and deadlines individually and as a group.
Volunteer Attorney, Dauphin County Bar Association, Harrisburg, PA September-October 2013
• Provided civil legal services to indigent clients, including court appearances for custody matters and legal advice on family law related issues.
Landman and Abstractor, Contractor for Oil and Gas producers, PA/OH March-August 2013
• Worked in independent and group settings in the upstream phase of the petroleum industry to meet daily and weekly production goals for mineral/oil and gas title research;
• Reviewed and researched documents including, but not limited to: Deeds, Mortgages, Assignments, Oil and Gas Leases, Right-of-Ways, Easements, Probates and Judgments;
• Located and contacted mineral owners for leasing opportunities; negotiated terms of leases.
Certified Legal Intern, Dauphin County District Attorney, Harrisburg, PA Summer 2012
• Bench Trial and Jury Trial preparation, Preliminary and Juvenile Hearings, Guilty Pleas, Probation Revocations, and various court-room related appearances;
• Wrote Appeal Briefs, Memos, and Motions;
• Negotiated with Defense Counsel, worked with investigators and police officers.
Legal Intern, Access to Justice Law Clinic, Grand Rapids, MI Spring 2012
• Successfully conducted settlement conferences with adverse parties and in Judges’ chambers;
• Argued and drafted child custody and support motions for settlement;
• Problem solved and strategized with clients to facilitate goals and possible outcomes.
Receptionist, Cunningham & Chernicoff, P.C., Harrisburg, PA June-December 2009
• Assisted attorneys and secretaries with files and client information, screened incoming calls.
Customer Service Intern, Pennsylvania State Employee Credit Union (PSECU), Mansfield, PA 2006-2008
• Acquired customers for our campus’ services through speeches at campus events, job fairs and orientations;
Thomas M. Cooley Law School, 2010-2012, Juris Docutor, Cum Laude
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, 2005-2009, B.A.
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, 2005-2009, B.A.