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Ronald Hammock
Experienced Landman/Project ManagerQUALIFICATIONS Louisiana Licensed attorney, eligible for Texas Bar Admisssion Sr. Project Manager/Landman for leading Land Services Companies Lease Acquisition, Due Diligence, Curative, ROW, Abstract and Title Client leasehold, well and unit interest analysis, interpretation and reporting Title Opinion Preparation Mineral Acquisition Federal Unit/BLM and State agency collaboration proficiency Excellent Written, Communication and Negotiation Skills Innovative, flexible and detail oriented
Last Resume Update | March 30, 2020 |
Degree | Professional |
Experience | More than 15 Years |
Category | Landman |
Phone Number | register to see |
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Street Address | register to see |
City | Youngsville |
State | LA |
Feb 2019 – March 2020 Hammock & Associates, Inc.: mineral acquisition title for major Mineral buying companyin Houston, Texas with concentration in DJ Basin, State of Colorado and Bakken Play in North Dakota; patent to current title examination, HBP analysis with all aspects of buyer and mineral management to successfully close acquisition.
November 2015 - current Hammock & Associates, Inc.: close association with land services companies and E & P companies handling properties in Oklahoma, Texas, North Dakota and Wyoming: surface and mineral title, due diligence, fee and BLM leasehold, title opinion review and update, curative, lease acquisition, ownership reports and client data base reporting systems.
Sept 2015 – Nov. 2015 Attorney and Landman: Pride Oil & Gas, Inc. Due Diligence Project concerning client purchase of HBP Units and designated formations; Mineral, Working, Net Revenue and Overriding Royalty Interest determination; JOA, Farm-in and Farm Out and Letter Agreement impact review; comprehensive client reporting.
May 2014 – Sept 2015 Attorney and Landman: Schoeffler Energy Group; Lease Acquisition, Title and Due Diligence in East and West Texas; Tuscaloosa Marine Shale in Southeast Louisiana and Chacahoula, Southwest Louisiana; Curative and Due Diligence in South Louisiana for major E & P Company sell-off of leasehold and producing properties; Area checks; Title Opinion review and reconciliation.
March 2006 – May 2014 Attorney and Sr. Project Manager for SunCoast Land Services, Inc; Powder River Basin/Niobrara Shale Play (3 ½ years) in State of Wyoming; all aspects of Federal Unit management for acquisition, third party leasehold, Exhibit B(s), EOI and nominations; BLM Lease sales; company liaison with regional BLM manager, HBU status, Fee/Federal Leasehold and Communitization Agreements; State Lease Negotiations;
Managed abstract and lease acquisition crew of twenty five (25) agents for major E & P Company; direct client contact as to goals, expectations and budgetary concerns; client collaboration to minimize expense while maintaining maximum productivity;
Maintained high level of efficiency through communication by, between and among onsite team, internal personnel, upper management and both senior and mid-level client personnel;
Due Diligence; SUA, JOA, Unit and Communitization agreement review and analysis.
North Louisiana Haynesville Shale Play; mineral and surface title research, lease negotiation and acquisition; Due Diligence for third party leasehold acquisitions; Curative (3+ years).
Pipeline ROW title research, negotiation and acquisition.
Seismic Permitting and QC assessment/resolution
All aspects of Title and mineral interest research in Louisiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Texas, Nebraska and Wyoming; limited but critical legal advisories.
Dec 2009 – May 2010 Preparation of Title Opinions for Texas Mineral Acquisition Firm of Haynesville properties.
June 1998 – Feb 2006 Real Estate Title research/closings for small but
active mortgage company;
In House Counsel for Statewide Public Tag Agency and Company Liaison to a Client Base of over 30 Major Automobile Dealerships; Employment and Labor Issues, together with Contracts, Commercial General, Professional and Auto Liability.
April 1992 – June 1998 Private Practitioner in the Areas of Personal Injury, Family Law,
Successions, Real Estate and Other Civil Matters in a Multi-Parish Area.
Oct 1985 – April 1992 Associate attorney with Insurance Defense Firms Specializing in
Commercial General, Transit, Homeowners and Automobile liability. Managed satellite office handling cases in five (5) Parish area.
August 1981 – Oct 1985 Law Clerk for the Honorable Wallace C. LeBrun, Twenty-Fourth
Judicial District Court.
Feb 2019 – March 2020 Hammock & Associates, Inc.: mineral acquisition title for major Mineral buying companyin Houston, Texas with concentration in DJ Basin, State of Colorado and Bakken Play in North Dakota; patent to current title examination, HBP analysis with all aspects of buyer and mineral management to successfully close acquisition.
November 2015 - current Hammock & Associates, Inc.: close association with land services companies and E & P companies handling properties in Oklahoma, Texas, North Dakota and Wyoming: surface and mineral title, due diligence, fee and BLM leasehold, title opinion review and update, curative, lease acquisition, ownership reports and client data base reporting systems.
Sept 2015 – Nov. 2015 Attorney and Landman: Pride Oil & Gas, Inc. Due Diligence Project concerning client purchase of HBP Units and designated formations; Mineral, Working, Net Revenue and Overriding Royalty Interest determination; JOA, Farm-in and Farm Out and Letter Agreement impact review; comprehensive client reporting.
May 2014 – Sept 2015 Attorney and Landman: Schoeffler Energy Group; Lease Acquisition, Title and Due Diligence in East and West Texas; Tuscaloosa Marine Shale in Southeast Louisiana and Chacahoula, Southwest Louisiana; Curative and Due Diligence in South Louisiana for major E & P Company sell-off of leasehold and producing properties; Area checks; Title Opinion review and reconciliation.
March 2006 – May 2014 Attorney and Sr. Project Manager for SunCoast Land Services, Inc; Powder River Basin/Niobrara Shale Play (3 ½ years) in State of Wyoming; all aspects of Federal Unit management for acquisition, third party leasehold, Exhibit B(s), EOI and nominations; BLM Lease sales; company liaison with regional BLM manager, HBU status, Fee/Federal Leasehold and Communitization Agreements; State Lease Negotiations;
Managed abstract and lease acquisition crew of twenty five (25) agents for major E & P Company; direct client contact as to goals, expectations and budgetary concerns; client collaboration to minimize expense while maintaining maximum productivity;
Maintained high level of efficiency through communication by, between and among onsite team, internal personnel, upper management and both senior and mid-level client personnel;
Due Diligence; SUA, JOA, Unit and Communitization agreement review and analysis.
North Louisiana Haynesville Shale Play; mineral and surface title research, lease negotiation and acquisition; Due Diligence for third party leasehold acquisitions; Curative (3+ years).
Pipeline ROW title research, negotiation and acquisition.
Seismic Permitting and QC assessment/resolution
All aspects of Title and mineral interest research in Louisiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Texas, Nebraska and Wyoming; limited but critical legal advisories.
Dec 2009 – May 2010 Preparation of Title Opinions for Texas Mineral Acquisition Firm of Haynesville properties.
June 1998 – Feb 2006 Real Estate Title research/closings for small but
active mortgage company;
In House Counsel for Statewide Public Tag Agency and Company Liaison to a Client Base of over 30 Major Automobile Dealerships; Employment and Labor Issues, together with Contracts, Commercial General, Professional and Auto Liability.
April 1992 – June 1998 Private Practitioner in the Areas of Personal Injury, Family Law,
Successions, Real Estate and Other Civil Matters in a Multi-Parish Area.
Oct 1985 – April 1992 Associate attorney with Insurance Defense Firms Specializing in
Commercial General, Transit, Homeowners and Automobile liability. Managed satellite office handling cases in five (5) Parish area.
August 1981 – Oct 1985 Law Clerk for the Honorable Wallace C. LeBrun, Twenty-Fourth
Judicial District Court.
Legal Loyola University School of Law: Juris Doctorate
Undergraduate Loyola University: B.A. English
Bar Admission Louisiana
Associations Louisiana State Bar Association, Lafayettte Parish Bar Association, St. Tammany Parish Bar Association, American Association of Professional Landmen and Professional Landmen’s Association of New Orleans, past member of Lafayette Association of Professional Landmen and Denver Association of Professional Landmen.
Legal Loyola University School of Law: Juris Doctorate
Undergraduate Loyola University: B.A. English
Bar Admission Louisiana
Associations Louisiana State Bar Association, Lafayettte Parish Bar Association, St. Tammany Parish Bar Association, American Association of Professional Landmen and Professional Landmen’s Association of New Orleans, past member of Lafayette Association of Professional Landmen and Denver Association of Professional Landmen.