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John Austin
Computer knowledge Macintosh and PC Excel and Word I work well with people and am conscientious about detail. I am a quick learner and enjoy learning new skills I follow direction well I have prepared and negotiated Well site and ROW Damage agreements I have prepared Lease Agreements, Affidavits of Heirship, Stipulations of Interest I have prepared Quit Claim, Warranty and Mineral Deeds I have prepared respondent lists for spacing and pooling applications for the OCC I have obtained title Curative I have Courthouse experience determining title I am an Oklahoma Notary I am willing to travel
Last Resume Update | April 01, 2016 |
Degree | Some College Coursework Completed |
Experience | 7+ to 10 Years |
Category | Landman |
Phone Number | register to see |
register to see | |
Street Address | register to see |
City | Park Hill |
State | OK |
Lease buyer (Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico), Title
Curative, Well site Surface Use negotiations (OK, TX, CO, NE, WY), ROW agreements and negotiations, Respondents lists, Road ROW negotiations and agreements, On the Ground in Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming and New Mexico: settled surface damages for well sites; set up well site stakings, met with surveyor and construction contractor to acquire any needed landowner permissions required for well site construction, Negotiated buying water for fracing and drilling with Landowners and municipalities in Nebraska, Colorado and Oklahoma; Researched Irrigation water well owners, and acquired title for well ownership, negotiated to buy water and acquired the necessary permits to change Irrigation water wells to Commercial wells in order to buy drilling and frac water with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, The South Platte Natural Resources District and the North Platte Natural Resources District, Negotiated ROW agreements with County governments for temporary water pipelines and ingress and egress to well sites, Negotiated Road ROW agreements and existing Road use agreements, Negotiated Electrical ROW and services for Well sites with Electric company and landowners, met with landowners and construction contractor periodically during drilling operations to acquire any needed additional well site area, ROW’s, damages, or permissions, Negotiated Damages for fresh water storage pits; Prepared and hand delivered leases, delivered bonus payment checks, Due Diligence, Courthouse research, OK, CO, TX, WY, NE, NM.
Curative, Well site Surface Use negotiations (OK, TX, CO, NE, WY), ROW agreements and negotiations, Respondents lists, Road ROW negotiations and agreements, On the Ground in Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming and New Mexico: settled surface damages for well sites; set up well site stakings, met with surveyor and construction contractor to acquire any needed landowner permissions required for well site construction, Negotiated buying water for fracing and drilling with Landowners and municipalities in Nebraska, Colorado and Oklahoma; Researched Irrigation water well owners, and acquired title for well ownership, negotiated to buy water and acquired the necessary permits to change Irrigation water wells to Commercial wells in order to buy drilling and frac water with the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, The South Platte Natural Resources District and the North Platte Natural Resources District, Negotiated ROW agreements with County governments for temporary water pipelines and ingress and egress to well sites, Negotiated Road ROW agreements and existing Road use agreements, Negotiated Electrical ROW and services for Well sites with Electric company and landowners, met with landowners and construction contractor periodically during drilling operations to acquire any needed additional well site area, ROW’s, damages, or permissions, Negotiated Damages for fresh water storage pits; Prepared and hand delivered leases, delivered bonus payment checks, Due Diligence, Courthouse research, OK, CO, TX, WY, NE, NM.
York Centralized High School
York, SC.
GED, 1973
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
Completed two years, 1974 and 75
Dubuque Theological Seminary
Dubuque, IA
Online Commissioned Lay Pastor program (CLP)
2004 and 2005
York, SC.
GED, 1973
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
Completed two years, 1974 and 75
Dubuque Theological Seminary
Dubuque, IA
Online Commissioned Lay Pastor program (CLP)
2004 and 2005