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Shaun Mullinax
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shaun Mullinax; I have 10 years’ title experience as an Oil & Gas Landman. My recent experience has included running out due diligence assignments in the Barnett Shale along with the Permian Basin. Additionally I have experience working in Appalachian, Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In the past I have worked with Surface Title, Cursory/Ownership Title, Due Diligence, Title Updates, Assignments, Leaseholds, Lease Acquisition, Lease Analysis, and Land Analysis HBP/WI/ORRI/NRI both online and in the field throughout several Counties in Texas and other states. I am a current member of the American Association of Professional Landmen & Fort Worth Association of Professional Landmen, and currently hold a RPL certificate. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss a title position with you. I have a profile at with several skill endorsements from Landmen I have worked with in the past. If you have questions, please contact me by phone at, Mobile # 903-372-2335, or by email at,
Last Resume Update | May 18, 2016 |
Degree | Certification |
Experience | 10+ to 15 Years |
Category | Attorney |
Phone Number | register to see |
register to see | |
Street Address | register to see |
City | Fort Worth |
State | TX |
Contract Landman 6/2015 – 12/2015
• Title examination, Due Diligence, analyzing and determining ownership of client’s interest, creating maps and spreadsheets to report client’s interest.
Title examination, involving determining mineral/royalty ownership, analyzing production/well data & ownership, Lease analyzing, drafting associated reports; including Certification Letter, Runsheet, MOR, LOR, Production Report, for lands both in and out of current producing units.
Dorado Petroleum Fort Worth, Texas
Contract field Landman 10/2013 – 5/2015
• Title examination in the Barnet Shale, Due Diligence, analyzing and determining ownership of client’s interest.
• Title examination on the Permian Basin involving determining mineral/royalty ownership, analyzing production/well data & ownership, drafting associated reports; including Certification Letter, Runsheet, MOR, LOR, Production Report, for lands both in and out of current producing units.
T2 Land Resource, LLC Fort Worth, Texas
In-house Contract Landman 8/2008 – 9/2013
• Title examination in Appalachian, Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale in Ohio and Pennsylvania, involving determining mineral/royalty ownership, analyzing Production/well data & ownership, drafting associated reports; including Certification Letter, Runsheet, MOR, LOR, Production Report, Due Diligence Report, for lands both in and out of current producing units.
• Title examination in the Barnet Shale, Drill site/Draft Title, analyzing and determining ownership of title for lease purposes.
• Team Lead/ Lease Team; Coordinate/Report team efforts, Prepare and draft lease offers, Commercial & Residential lease Negotiation, Drill Site Negotiation, including negotiating and drafting lease with clauses; Market Enhancement, Proportionate reduction, depth severance and various pooling provisions.
Striker Land Services, LLC Fort Worth, Texas
In-house Contract Landman 2006 – 2008
• Team Lead /Title Team; Coordinate/Report team efforts, Assign/Review/Package landman title. Title examination in the Barnett Shale, including analyze and determine Mineral/Surface ownership title, Due Diligence and Leasing Oil & Gas Property in Tarrant and Johnson County, Texas.
Doyle Land Services Denton, Texas
Independent Contract Landman 2005 – 2006
• Title examination in the Barnet Shale, Drill site/Draft Title, analyzing and determining ownership of title for lease purposes.
• Negotiations of Leases and Renewals along with associated title, in Denton, Hill and McLennan County Texas.
Ted Walters and Associates LP. Tyler, Texas
Independent Contract Landman 2004 – 2005
• Title examination in the East Texas Basin, Mineral title research, lease annalist, Processing of lease packets. Counties worked: Houston, Leon, Smith, Gregg, Panola, Rusk, Harrison, Upshur, and Shelby, Texas.
Dallas, Texas Associate of Applied Science Degree in Aviation Technology