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Darren Jones
Very motivated a self starter. Never give up never back down. Treat every person as you wish to be treated.I am a very motivated person who can talk to anyone. I have been married for 30 years i have two children and five grandchildren I have always worked with the public in some fashion weather it be non-profit or sales or public relations. I feel that any team you join should be focused on three things to be successful. 1) people 2) training 3) development. I have learned that times change and so do the way we do things and if you don't change you will be left behind or go broke from being stubborn.
Last Resume Update | December 03, 2016 |
Category | Landman |
Phone Number | register to see |
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Street Address | register to see |
City | Shawnee |
State | OK |
I have always been in the public eye. In some way or another. I worked at Sales. And in non-profit and as a parcel delivery person for UPS I have owned a residential construction company for several years and I have also worked in the hunting and fishing industry in the form of making producing and selling hunting videos and supplies become very good at reading people and learning their good and bad jesters or body language. I can handle rejection as a reflex response and I know to give a person their time to think about what I have presented. I build value in any product or program I am selling so that it sells itself. I also have learned there are four different types of people in this world. Pushers, players, partners, ponders. And if you can determine who you are dealing with it will help you close any sell over 85%.of the time. So although I have no landman experience per say what I do have is a life time of people skills and working with people and out doors.
Graduated Bethel High in 1986
Started Okla state in fall 1986
Girlfriend become pregnant and had to quit and start working. Been married 30 years
Started Okla state in fall 1986
Girlfriend become pregnant and had to quit and start working. Been married 30 years