View Resume

Jay Stanford
Experienced Professional LandmanGentlemen: I am a Landman with over 30 years of experience. Member of the AAPL, and OCAPL. I have a BA Degree from the University of Oklahoma. I have worked in all phases of the industry from record checker, project manager, and Land manger. You will note that I have managed two (2) town site acquisitions from seismic permitting through the pipeline connection. I have also managed large range land plays. I am looking for land work doing title curative, writing agreements, drafting instruments leasing, managing people, projects in-house, or in a field office. I have worked in 13 states. I can travel. My resume outlines many of the things I have done, but not all. If I can be of assistance, please feel free to call. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jay Stanford January 26, 2017 405 831-4371
Last Resume Update | January 26, 2017 |
Degree | Bachelors Degree |
Experience | More than 15 Years |
Category | Landman |
Phone Number | register to see |
register to see | |
Street Address | register to see |
City | Olahoma City |
State | OK |
INDEPENDENT LANDMAN - (1/95 - PRESENT) Providing independent landman services on a contract basis for clients in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Indiana, Missouri, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Michigan, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming.
Managed a 4-5 year town site project in Southeast Oklahoma for drilling of vertical and horizontal wells starting with 3-D seismic permitting, title examination, leasing, tracking and maintaining current leasehold status on over 4000 mineral interests, title curative work, well site location, purchasing water rights, settling surface damages, pipeline row acquisition, managing office and people, preparing agreements, working with local city, county officials, C&C Nations on Indian lands, and the USDA - local FSA.
REALTY DIRECTOR - (01/94 - 12/94) Realty Director, Indian Tribe. Responsible for directing all trust resource activities and realty operations within the Iowa Reservation. Coordinate and integrate contract activities with other tribes relative to advertising and conducting periodic mineral, farm, grazing, and agriculture lease sales. Specific duties attributable to real property management on the business group side include: overseeing appraisals; negotiations for acquisition, divestiture and on-going development, compliance with regulatory affairs at state and federal levels and environmental response. Additional responsibilities involve investigation, preparation and report on claims and litigation matters resulting from the use and occupancy of real estate and settlement recommendations.
INDEPENDENT LANDMAN - (04/91 - 12/93) Administered three township exploration project on Osage Nation "trust" lands, in northeastern Oklahoma. Closed a multi-state RTC Loan Portfolio and arranged for disposition of assets production, equipment and environmentally sensitive properties. Consulting for companies operating in Oklahoma along the Sooner Trend, Northern Shelf, Anadarko Basin, Texas Panhandle and the Permian Basin in West Texas. Completed 3-D seismic acquisition in West Texas. Administration in compliance of Senate Bill 168 provisions relative to production reporting and control.
LANDMANAGER - (12-1987 - 4/1991) Contract land manager. Managed lease acquisitions in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas and Alabama. Administrative duties include managing all land functions from lease and property procurement to pipeline rights-of-way acquisition. BLM/BIA lease acquisition and reporting to MMS and DOE along with environmental impact studies. Oversee drilling operations from surface damages to first purchaser. I have experience in JOA, JIB, revenue distribution and investor relations. Actively negotiated and prepared contracts; farmin-farmout's, drilling and gas balancing agreements. Negotiated and supervised all trades and let agreements on a three county seismic group shoot acquisition. Experience in appearing/testifying before the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. Assisted sister company, Environmental Technologies, Inc., on environmental audits for acquisitions and divestiture analysis relative to risk assessment as to former land use under the EPA, RCRA, SARA and CERCLA regulations.
LANDMANAGER - (7/1980 - 11/1987) Landman. Primarily responsible for lease acquisitions for foreign corporations doing business in Oklahoma. Made major acquisitions of oil and gas leaseholds for two independent companies in townsite acquisitions on lands comprising over
1000+ acres. Secured 5000+ leases totaling $1.7M in two years. Managed and directed all land functions from initial leasehold check through and including pooling. Prepared surface lease agreement for directional well pads and ROW for gas transmission lines.
INDEPENDENT LANDMAN - (4/1977 - 5/1980) Worked as a trainee landman for Grace Petroleum.
B.A. December 1979
University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Continuing legal education: Environmental Law (pollution), Indian Land Titles; Petroleum Land Titles; (Mosburg) Oil and Gas Law; Division Orders; BIA Sanctioned Wills & Probates. Oil and Gas Economic Evaluation and Investment Decision Making. AAPL CLE seminars. Tobin's Chain-of-Title.
Computer Literacy: WordPerfect-Office, Microsoft Office , Word, Excel, Champion Accounting Systems, Developed computer land management system (Xenix - platform) to monitor oil and gas leasehold acquisition interests.
Membership: AAPL and OCAPL.