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Bryan Hensley
Global Oil and Gas Professional• Global Project Manager with demonstrated expertise in obtaining mineral rights/leases, researching and negotiating contracts, joint operating agreements, farm-outs, and developing innovative strategies for ensuring on-time delivery of projects via complex requirements throughout the world. • Skilled at managing attorneys to develop win-win strategies for all parties. • United States Army Captain and Iraq/Afghanistan combat veteran with a deep understanding of Middle East and West Africa cultures. A Texas Tech University MBA, completed a MS in Supply Chain Management with an Energy Management focus from Texas Christian University (TCU) and a Petroleum Land Management Certificate from the University of Houston.
Last Resume Update | February 16, 2017 |
Degree | Masters Degree |
Experience | 10+ to 15 Years |
Category | Landman |
Phone Number | register to see |
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Street Address | register to see |
City | Dallas |
State | TX |
Sharyland Utilities, L.P. (SULP) is a Texas-based public electric utility that is fully regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. SULP is privately-owned by Hunter L. Hunt and other members of the Ray L. Hunt family, serving approximately 54,000 customers in 29 counties throughout Texas.
Strategic Sourcing Supervisor
Reporting to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), oversee the development of Sharyland’s internal supply chain and procurement infrastructure, which includes, but not limited to: process improvement initiatives, market analysis, evaluations of competitive bids, and multiple other activities as specified in the strategic sourcing and procurement process.
Notable Contributions:
• Operate in a Supply Chain Director role developing preferred pricing agreements capturing $50 million in total savings.
• Launched Sharyland’s Supply Chain business unit to include the hiring of the team and creating policy and procedures.
HUNT OIL COMPANY (a Hunt Family Company), Iraq, Benin (West Africa), and Dallas, Texas Nov 2012 – Aug 2015
Hunt Oil Company is a privately held exploration and production company, which has successfully conducted petroleum operations for more than 75 years, in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East.
Strategic Purchasing and Logistics Representative
Reported to the Vice President of Purchasing with responsibility for managing all contracts, purchases, material inventory (OCTG) and logistical movements for the drilling, completions, and production of crude oil in the Bakken Shale (North Dakota), Eagle Ford Shale (South Texas), offshore Benin (West Africa) and Erbil, Kurdistan (Northern Iraq).
Notable Contributions:
• Performed in a Project/Supply Chain Manager capacity. Developed internal processes and infrastructures within Hunt Oil Company and host Oil Ministries.
• Maintained joint operating agreements and farm-outs with host Oil Ministries and drilling partners through meticulous spend and inventory tracking measures on the half of Hunt Oil Company
• Bid, negotiated, and finalized all equipment and service contracts in support of Iraq, US domestic, and Benin, (West Africa) drilling, completions, and oil production. Achieved zero recordable downtime for any project attributable to delays with materials, suppliers, or services.
HALLIBURTON, Carrollton, TX Dec 2010 – Nov 2012
(NYSE: HAL) Halliburton is the world’s 2nd largest oilfield services (oil & gas) corporation with operations in more than 70 countries. The company generates more than $18.2 billion in annual revenue.
Project Manager
Reported to the Plant Manager of a facility, which extends more than 1.5 miles and employs 1,400 professionals. Oversaw projects related to improving plant efficiency and productivity.
Notable contributions:
• Launched a new business unit by establishing and implementing new employees, processes, and systems enabling the proper handling and scheduling of raw material, improved tool assembly, and test cell productivity.
• Oversaw a team of 35 professionals responsible for manufacturing, assembling, and pressure testing completion tools.
STEMCO, INC., Longview, TX June 2009 – Dec 2010
STEMCO, a subsidiary of EnPro Industries, Inc., (NYSE: NPO) is a manufacturer of gaskets, packaging, and sealing devices used in commercial vehicles.
Production Supervisor
Led a 13-member non-union production team comprised of machine operators and shipping specialists on a high-speed automotive parts packaging and shipping operation.
Notable contributions:
• Increased parts produced per work hour 25% using lean manufacturing tools to eliminate waste and add value, improving the on-time customer delivery rate for HubCaps® and STEMCODuroline® brake linings imported from Brazil to 97%.
UNITED STATES ARMY March 2002 – Feb 2009
173D Airborne Brigade Combat Team (Sky Soldiers)
The 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, Sky Soldiers, is a 3,300 member airborne infantry brigade combat team based in Vicenza, Italy. It is the U.S. European Command’s conventional airborne strategic response force for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
Aerial Delivery Platoon Leader, Vicenza, Italy Aug 2006 – May 2007 & Aug 2008 – Feb 2009
Led a diverse team of 83 parachute riggers responsible for packing, maintaining, warehousing, and transporting more than 5,000 parachutes and other delivery equipment valued at $21 million to 2 locations that were 100 miles apart.
Notable contributions:
• Rated in the top 1% of 35 commissioned officers in an elite airborne brigade combat team.
• Determined and directed logistics for more than 15,000 parachutes in support of over 50 training jumps in Italy and Germany for the 173D Airborne Brigade Combat Team to seize any airfield in the world within eighteen hours.
Company Operations Officer, Bagram Afghanistan May 2007 – Aug 2008
Served as a supply chain manager with the responsibility of planning logistical support provided by 150 U.S. soldiers in support of more than 6,000 NATO troops in eastern Afghanistan. Developed regional and national agreements and negotiated contracts with Afghan and Pakistani transportation companies.
Notable contributions:
• Developed standard operating procedures (SOP) for the delivery and recovery of more than 200 million pounds of ammunition, fuel, mail, military equipment, food, and water via U.S. Military forces and private contractors.
• Conducted 10 investigations to determine actions that led to individual solider death or wounds in the Korengal Valley.
Infantry Team Leader/Machine Gunner, Fort Riley, KS & Al Fallujah, Iraq March 2002 – Sept 2005
Notable contributions:
•Led door-to-door combat, peace keeping, and humanitarian aid missions in Al Fallujah, Iraq from August 2003 – September 2004 with the 82nd Airborne Division, All American, and the 1st Infantry Division, Big Red One.
Petroleum Land Management
Masters of Science (M.S.) Supply Chain Management – Energy Management Focus
M.B.A. 2011
B.B.A. Marketing 2000